As a professional locksmith service based in Salem City, Oregon, Locksmith Empire has been helping residents and businesses in the area keep their properties secure for years. From lock installation to emergency services, we’ve got all your security needs covered.

One common issue that many of our customers face is a broken key stuck in a lock. Whether it’s a front door, car door, or any other type of lock, a broken key can be a frustrating and inconvenient problem. But don’t worry – we’re here to help! In this article, we’ll go over 4 simple ways to get a broken key out of a lock, so you can get on with your day.

1. How to get a broken key out of a lock:

First things first, let’s start with the basics. If you have a broken key stuck in a lock, there are a few simple steps you can try to remove it:

2. How to get a broken key out of a lock hack:

If the above methods don’t work, there are a few hacks you can try to get a broken key out of a lock:

3. How to get a broken key out of a lock without tools:

If you don’t have any tools on hand, don’t worry – there are still a few things you can try to get a broken key out of a lock:

4. How to get a broken key out of a car door:

If you have a broken key stuck in a car door, the process for removing it is slightly different. Here are a few steps you can try:

grasp the broken key and pull it out. Again, be careful not to apply too much force, as this could cause further damage to the lock.

In conclusion, there are several methods you can try to get a broken key out of a lock, depending on the situation and the tools you have available. From using pliers or a lubricant to trying one of the hacks we mentioned, there’s a good chance one of these methods will work for you. However, if you’re still having trouble removing the broken key, it’s best to call a professional locksmith for assistance.

At Locksmith Empire, we’re always here to help with all your security needs, including broken keys stuck in locks. Whether you’re in Salem City, Oregon or the surrounding area, give us a call and we’ll be happy to assist you. Don’t let a broken key ruin your day – let us help you get it sorted out quickly and efficiently.

Need more help?

In addition to the basic methods we’ve discussed for removing a broken key from a lock, there are a few pro tips that can help make the process even easier and more effective. These tips come from our years of experience as professional locksmiths and can save you time, frustration, and potentially even money.

1. Keep a spare key handy:

One of the best ways to avoid a broken key situation in the first place is to always have a spare key on hand. Whether it’s in your wallet, purse, or a hidden location on your property, having a spare key can save you a lot of hassle if your primary key breaks or gets lost. This is especially important for car keys, as getting a replacement key can be expensive and time-consuming.

2.  Avoid using excessive force:

If you do find yourself with a broken key stuck in a lock, it’s important to resist the temptation to use excessive force to try and remove it. While it may seem like applying more force is the solution, this can actually cause further damage to the lock and make the problem worse. Be gentle and use the proper tools (such as pliers or a lubricant) to avoid causing any additional damage.

3. Don’t try to remove the broken key if you’re not sure what you’re doing:

If you’re not confident in your ability to safely remove a broken key from a lock, it’s best to call a professional locksmith for assistance. Trying to force the key out or using inappropriate tools can cause further damage and make the problem more difficult to solve. A locksmith has the knowledge, skills, and tools to safely and efficiently remove a broken key, so it’s usually the best course of action.

4. Keep your keys in good condition:

Preventing a broken key in the first place is always the best solution. To do this, it’s important to take good care of your keys. Avoid leaving them in extreme temperatures, as this can cause them to become brittle and more prone to breaking. You should also avoid putting too much weight on your keychain, as this can also cause your keys to become damaged.

5. Consider keyless entry systems:

If you find yourself frequently dealing with broken keys or other lock-related issues, it may be worth considering a keyless entry system for your home or business. Keyless systems use electronic codes or fingerprint scanners to unlock doors, eliminating the need for physical keys altogether. While these systems can be more expensive upfront, they can save you a lot of hassle and expense in the long run.

In summary, a broken key stuck in a lock can be a frustrating and inconvenient problem, but it’s usually something that can be easily resolved with the right approach. By following the basic steps we’ve outlined, as well as these pro tips, you can get your broken key out of the lock and get on with your day. If you’re still having trouble, don’t hesitate to call a professional locksmith for assistance.



How can I get a broken key out of a lock?

There are several methods you can try to remove a broken key from a lock, depending on the situation and the tools you have available. Some basic steps to try include gently wiggling the key to see if it will come loose, using pliers or needle-nose pliers to gently grasp the key and pull it out, and using a lubricant such as WD-40 or silicone spray to loosen the key. If these methods don’t work, you can also try using a paperclip or bobby pin to fish the key out, using a magnet to extract it if it’s made of ferromagnetic material, or using a hammer and chisel to tap around the key and loosen it.

How do you remove a broken key without tools?

If you don’t have any tools on hand, there are still a few methods you can try to remove a broken key from a lock. These include using a rubber band or a piece of rubber to grip the key and pull it out, using a bar of soap to lubricate the key and make it easier to remove, and using your fingers to pull the key out if it’s only partially broken. You can also try using a bobby pin or a paperclip to fish the key out, although this may be more difficult without the aid of pliers.

How do you get a stuck key out of a lock without breaking it?

To avoid breaking a stuck key while trying to remove it from a lock, it’s important to use gentle, gradual force and the proper tools. Never use excessive force or try to pry the key out with a screwdriver or other inappropriate tool, as this can cause further damage to the key or the lock. Instead, try using pliers or needle-nose pliers to gently grasp the key and pull it out, or use a lubricant such as WD-40 or silicone spray to loosen the key. If the key is still stuck, it may be best to call a professional locksmith for assistance.

How do you get a broken key out of a lock with hot glue?

Using hot glue to remove a broken key from a lock is a method that is sometimes suggested, but it’s generally not a good idea. While the hot glue may temporarily bond to the key and give you a better grip, it can also cause further damage to the lock and make the problem worse. Additionally, removing the hot glue from the lock can be difficult and time-consuming. It’s generally better to stick with more tried-and-true methods, such as using pliers or a lubricant, or calling a professional locksmith for assistance.

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